
Discussion: Gender, Desire, Embodiment

Oct 18
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
1014 5th Avenue New York, NY 10028

Over the past decade or so, the emergence of terms like "non-binary" and expansions of the meaning of “queer sexuality,” have indicated a kind of loosening up of social values and prohibitions around non-normative expressions of embodiment. At the same time, however, new legislation around the country and globally seeks to prevent young people from accessing trans affirmative care and to limit sex education. Concerns about the widespread adoption of trans and non-binary forms of embodiment has initiated a panic of sorts among some conservatives, religious leaders and “family first” groups.

Poet Meg Fernandes and cultural critic Jack Halberstam will discuss gender identification and sexual styles, while sharing new ways of talking about identity, the body, obedience and disobedience, community and its limits, fiction and fantasy, love, life and desire with the audience. Fernandes will also read from her new book of poems, I Do Everything I’m Told (2023). Moderated by Professor Irene Kacandes, Dartmouth College.

In Partnership with the Walter de Gruyter Foundation.

Doors open at 6:00 pm, discussion begins at 6:30 pm. Reception to follow.

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