
Building Stonewall: Past, Present & Future with Diana Rodriguez and Ken Lustbader

Sep 27
6:30 pm
8:30 pm
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Save the date for an evening with Diana Rodriguez, founder of Pride Live, and Ken Lustbader of NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project. We'll learn about Diana's career in activism and fundraising, from her work with not-for-profits like the Clinton Foundation all the way to the founding of Pride Live. She'll share the story of how the organization became involved with the Stonewall National Monument and what led to the partnership to create the First LGBTQ+ focused Visitor Center in the US National Park System. Ken will add to the story from his involvement as a historian for the project, and how he helps bring context and fact to the project. He will walk us through the history of the Stonewall Inn building, detailing the lead up to the night of the rebellion in 1969 and the aftermath that created the Gay Liberation movement in New York, the first gay Pride March, and the history of the space since then.