
CBH Talk | The Brownstone Boys and "For the Love of Renovating"

Jun 5
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Center for Brooklyn History 128 Pierrepont Street Brooklyn, NY 11201
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In 2018, Barry Bordelon and Jordan Slocum bought a 130 year-old Brooklyn brownstone and blogged about the trials and triumphs of renovation under the byline “the Brownstone Boys.” The upshot was a devoted following of fellow renovators, a thriving restoration business, and now – a book!

For the Love of Renovating: Tips, Tricks & Inspiration for Creating Your Dream Home brings Barry and Jordan’s hard-won experience to the reader with beautiful illustrations and handy advice.

Join us as they share their love of historic homes, the research they’ve conducted at CBH for their projects, and images that inspire the aspiring renovator. Then enjoy a book-signing in CBH’s incomparable Othmer Library, where you can peruse a pop up display of collection materials relating to house research, including CBH’s exquisite fire insurance maps.

For the Love of Renovating will be available for purchase at the CBH SHOP.